" No, I look at the senators and
I pray for the country."
- Everett Edward Hale
What happened during those 40 years?
• Voted to raise the debt ceiling no fewer than 24 times, putting every man, woman, and child in Mississippi in debt to the tune of $58,000;
• Agreed to exempt himself and his Congressional staff from Obamacare; and
• Voted with Harry Reid to make amnesty for illegal immigrants easier.
example of having a great start in life and significant accomplishments
and then to end up in later years as one of our posters. William Thad
Cochran, born and raised in Mississippi, was an Eagle Scout as a youth and was
awarded the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award as
an adult. He graduated valedictorian from Byram High School near Jackson and
received a B.A. degree from the University of Mississippi with a major in
and a minor in political science in 1959. There he joined the Pi
Kappa Alpha Fraternity and was on the cheerleading
squad.After a stint in the U. S. Navy (1959–1961), he earned a Law Degree from the University of Mississippi in 1965. He then practiced law for
seven years. He married Rose Clayton on June 6, 1964; the couple has two
children, Clayton and Kate. (source: Wikipedia.)
at age 78, Cochran is the fourth-longest currently serving Senator having been
first elected to the Senate in 1978; he also served in the House from 1973 to
1978. As with the other poster boys, he’s had no private sector
experience to apply to the laws he helped pass for the private sector to live
by. He is the senior Senator from Mississippi,
currently the ranking member of the Senate
Agriculture Committee, having been chairman from 2003
to 2005 and also chaired the Senate Appropriations
Committee from 2005 to 2007. He is currently the ranking
Republican on the Agriculture Committee. In his 35 years on powerful committees he has a record of supporting
bailouts, more debt, tax increases, and even funding for Obamacare although, as
all Republicans, he did vote against the mis-named Affordable Care Act,
overriding issue today in the US is our national debt currently racing past $17
trillion –to be piled on our next generations and that doesn’t count the
unfunded entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and now
the multi-trillion dollar ObamaCare law! All of our poster children have
been in congress during the period of this incredible spending that caused the
debt and these long-tenured politicians did little to
control the spending and all of them approved of the regular increases in the
debt limit. Thad Cochran was no exception having voted to increase the debt limit ten times! After 40+ years in
congress he cannot escape blame for much of the spending and debt. In 2010 he finished at the top of the Citizens Against Government Waste's (CAGW) list of congressional earmarks, having requested a total of $490
million for his supporters.
non-partisan ratings groups tell of his voting record -- the NationalTaxpayers Union (NTU) for taxing and spending and CAGW for waste and extravagance. NTU gives him a “C” (very low
for Republicans) while CAGW rates him “lukewarm” to taxpayers. The Club for Growth looks for votes that allow for free markets to function in
growing the economy; the Club rates Cochran at a lowly 48% for his votes that
suppress growth.
rankings are best expressed by Heritage Action for the conservative view
as they rate all meaningful votes. Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
rates from a liberal view but uses fewer votes and doesn’t publish often –their
2012 votes gave him 20%. So, we recommend that if you want to know the more
accurate liberal rating, use the reciprocal of the Heritage Action score which
is currently 57%. For more clarity we’ll note some specific votes but anyone
can go to the sites for details of all of the groups –just click on the
He voted for the Dept. of Education and to
defeat a plan to balance the budget in ten years. Cochran
voted to tax the internet! The one free marketplace that is thriving would be
taxed by the thousands of jurisdiction where they have customers even
if they
have no physical presence and use no local services yet would be taxed by those
A big no-no for conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists but favored by
liberals. He voted to Invoke Cloture which led to passage of the $1 trillion
farm bill in the Senate –a 56% increase since 2008. Despite claims of
reform, the farm bill continues to spend nearly $1 trillion on a variety of
programs, including crop subsidies, conservation programs and food stamps.
voted against repeal of sugar supports that have raised the price of sugar in
the US so high that many companies left for Canada and other places at the cost
of thousands of jobs. It also adds cost to the consumer food products that
contain sugar, a hidden tax. But Big Sugar is generous to the pols who vote to
continue to give them advantages –it’s called crony capitalism. Those are
just a few votes that Heritage Action criteria views negatively –for all of the
votes go to http://tinyurl.com/nlgnuob
Critics of congressional term limits recite the
mantra, "We already have term limits, they are called elections."
The problem with that little flower of homespun wholesomeness is that it
isn't true. Competitive elections are rare in the U.S. Congress
anymore. Since 1970 well over 90% are reelected very few competitively with all the benefits of incumbency.
Cochran is not the worst of the worst but he
is typical of the professional politician who spends his entire life in
politics and doesn’t ever have to meet a payroll or deal with government
bureaucrats. No, he deals with lobbyists who pay him for voting their way; he
takes their money to pay for reelection campaigning. It is a vicious circle and
the people’s work doesn’t get done properly. We need citizen legislators; we need experienced
successful people who will use their skills in service to the nation not self-service like the career politicians. In Florida, and other
states with limited legislatures there are regular elections and
the result is a distinctly higher quality representative than before –not
universal, of course, but we now have more successful people willing to offer
their expertise and experience for the benefit of their state and country.
Did we mention that our poster boy voted against congressional term limits?