We’re doing two poster children this time because they’re similar
in many respects --besides having hyphenated names. Both Cuban-American
Republicans, 14-term Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Dist 27) and 7-term Mario Diaz-Balart
(Dist 26) have similar voting records down there with the Dems on the
conservative and libertarian scorecards and that means big spending, taxing and
regulating. We could include Carlos Curbelo (Dist 25) with the other two
except that he is just in his first term but suffice to say that his voting
record is in the range that causes conservative Repubs to call him a RINO
–Republican In Name Only. The three districts are the southernmost
districts in Florida.
Mario Diaz-Balart studied political science (what else?) at the University
of South Florida and at age 24 began his political career as an aid to Miami
Mayor Xavier Suarez –that’s when he switched his political affiliation.
He served in the Fla. legislature from 1988 to 2002 with terms in both the
House and the Senate before being elected to the U.S. Congress in 2002
succeeding his brother, Lincoln. It is more complicated than it sounds as there
were district changes involved in all of these tenures. Mario’s (and
Lincoln’s) father was an anti-Castro politician in Cuba; their aunt Mirta was
Fidel Castro’s first wife.
Both Ros-Lehtinen and Diaz-Balart opposed ending the Cuban embargo
and objected to the recognition obama is giving the Castro regime. They see it as providing hard currency strengthening
the regime weakened from factors such as losing Venezuela’s support
due to that dictatorship’s failing economy.
Both of these Reps have some good qualities but, on balance, they
have not been helpful in getting government spending, taxing and regulating
down to the point that the economy can be restored and debt brought under
control. I use the various scorecards of reliable free market, conservative and
libertarian groups to judge them. I take my cue from Mathew 7:20
rewording it as “By their votes ye shall know them.” It is
not what they say; it is what they do that affects our daily lives. And
the career pols don’t have to live under the results of their votes as long as
they stay in Washington, D.C. (District of Corruption). So, reelection, to them,
is Job One.
My current favorite scorecard is by conservative Heritage Action –go there to see the individual
votes explained succinctly. That card scores Ros-Lehtinen at 35% and Diaz-Balart
at 39% --the only Repub lower is Curbelo at 27% with the highest rated Florida Dem at 19%. Notably, both favored renewing the
Export-Import Bank to continue corporate welfare to huge companies like Boeing
and GE as well as other vote-buying programs.
The American Conservative Union
(ACU) is the nation’s oldest grassroots conservative organization and their
latest report says that the lowest-ranking Florida Republicans were Mario
Diaz-Balart, David Jolly and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp
observes that, “… the liberals in Congress tend to vote together as a block…The
Left does a great job of enforcing lockstep orthodoxy, to the detriment of the
constituents they represent.” You’ll find a wide spread among Repubs but
a close bunching of Dems on all of the scorecards.
The liberal Americans for Democratic Action selects certain
votes that limit the picture one gets from their ratings. One would expect the
ADA ratings to be the opposite of the conservative ratings but their limited
selective bills to rate upon do not give that result. In fact, both of
our posters got very low ratings. *** click on the name of the organizations
to link to their ratings pages for details.
The non-partisan Club for Growth rates on
economic growth issues and finds Ros-Lehtinen at 40% and Diaz-Balart at 39%
--again, not exactly pro-growth among the lowest ranked Repubs. Without a
growing economy and with continued deficit spending our children are in for a
rough time in the job market. The non-partisan Citizens Against Government Waste calls
Ros-Lehtinen and Diaz-Balart “friendly” to taxpayers in 2014 –in between
Taxpayer Hero and Hostile to Taxpayers—not real good and not real bad.
There are other ratings that help fill in the
picture but our point here is that we desperately need turnover in congress if
we’re going to get fresh ideas from citizen legislators who run as public
servants and not career pols. The latter make decisions that advance their
careers with
judgments not always
consistent with their oaths of office and rarely consistent with the common
How else could we have the astronomical debt? To help in the cause
sign the
for a
term limits amendment at www.termlimits.org
Caution: don’t think that the three cited
here with low-mediocre ratings are the rule with Cuban-Americans –Sens. Ted
Cruz and Marco Rubio both score close to 100% on
conservative/libertarian scorecards most of the time.