Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Socialist Ankle-Biter-in-Chief
Democrat politician, Jerrold L. "Jerry" Nadler, has been the U.S. Representative (currently in New York's 10th district) since 1992 –14 terms, so far. Before that, he was in the New York State Assembly from 1977 to 1992. Now that the Democrats have achieved a majority in the House, Nadler’s seniority gives him the chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee which has jurisdiction over matters relating to the administration of justice in federal courts, administrative bodies, and law enforcement agencies. A powerful position.
The New York Post: Jerry Nadler’s agenda: ankle-biting Trump. “We will be holding people accountable,” Nadler is warning as his moment in the national spotlight finally arrives. And there’s no mistaking that moving to impeach President Trump tops his list. With people like Jerry Nadler leading the charge, don’t expect them to play it smart, either.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The Pathetic Partnership of Jerry Nadler and Iran.When it came time to protect the United States, America’s Arab allies and the State of Israel against the threat posed by Iran, Rep. Jerold Nadler chose party loyalty over the national interest.”
Nadler said that protecting the Mueller investigation is his top "oversight" priority and gun control is one of his top legislative priorities.  
Nadler said Trump's recent temporary appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General is not legal because the Senate has not given its advice and consent. "But I'll go further -- his appointment is simply part of an attack on the investigation by Robert Mueller, the special counsel. It's part of a pattern of interference by the president and part of a pattern of obstruction.” Ask him how that is and you’ll not get an answer.
As part of the pro-abortion lobby, he is already plotting to impeach Justice Kavanaugh before his seat on the Supreme Court is warm. Nadler was overheard on an Amtrak train to D.C. talking about investigating Kavanaugh and accusing him of perjury.
Nadler is a long-time member of the Democratic Socialists of America [DSA]. It is the largest socialist organization in the United States and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. The DSA attained new visibility with the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also  in New York. Indoctrination in academia, along with the supporting programming of the so-called Mainstream Media, are having a leftist effect on millennials. History of the world is not taught much anymore, so this generation does not have knowledge of the disastrous effect of socialist experiments.            A Harvard University survey found that 51 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 29 no longer say they support capitalism. 
Socialism has never been successful in any country.  The Soviet Union was a huge failure and who wants to live in North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela?  As Charles W. Calomiris of the Manhattan Institute wrote recently.  “Socialism is a false promise, an ideological opium that repressive elites use to retain and expand power. Capitalism, in contrast, is seen as the force that has lifted over a billion people out of poverty worldwide since 1990.” See Socialism: The Opiate of the Corrupt and Ignorant .

How does Nadler’s embrace of socialism influence his voting record which affects all the rest of us? Let’s ask the National Taxpayers Union.  NTU reports that Nadler’s score is significantly below average and qualifies for a grade of "F." This failing grade places the member in the "Big Spender" category.  Socialists believe that governments should make decisions on how citizens’ money is spent.
The bigger the government the more inefficiency and waste, right? Let’s go to another non-partisan rating service, Citizens Against Government Waste CAGW, for how they rate Nadler on that measure. He gets a “D: Hostile to Taxpayers.” 
Socialists don’t like free-market businesses, but The Club for Growth knows that a free market economy produces prosperity and generates taxes for government operations. The Club rates Nadler’s lifetime score at 4% of a 100% --at the bottom of congressional support of the economy. 
Heritage Action is the policy advocacy affiliate of the conservative Heritage Foundation, a polar-opposite of a socialist organization. As expected, it rates Nadler 8% of 100%.
Sufficient to say that Nadler’s long tenure has not been beneficial to our country and a clear drag on the economy and fedgov spending resulting in a huge national debt. See the http://www.usdebtclock.org/  it has much useful information that socialists ignore at our peril.
Too bad for the country but Nadler is not alone in the new Congress – there are about 70 socialist members who will be heading major committees including two recent Posters , Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters.  Folks, we need term limits on Congress now more than ever!  See U.S. Term Limits new weekly podcasts for what is being done on that issue:  No Uncertain Terms


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Mad Max a/k/a Max The Mouth

Much of this poster was written in 2009 with some updating including the current hateful rants against the Trump administration.

6/27/2018  Andrew West: Representative Maxine Waters, a public servant by title only, has now called for mob harassment of conservatives, which is to say:  Maxine told her followers to attack his followers.  It was incitement through and through, for which the left has mostly played dumb about.  Mad Max is about to have nowhere to hide, however, as an official grievance has been filed by one of the nation’s leading congressional watchdog groups. …. Judicial Watch, the conservative watchdog group, sent a letter to the House Office of Congressional Ethics Monday, calling for an ethics investigation into Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to determine if she violated House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump administration officials.

 Rep. Waters has a long-time reputation as the most corrupt person in Congress. She’s been investigated multiple times for ethics violations; using her position in Congress to secure business dealings for her family (The Los Angeles Times).  In fact, her family made over $1 million in eight years by doing business with companies that she had helped with her legislation.

Waters’ politics consist of hardly any more than the typical inner-city race-baiting peppered with reckless pork barrel spending. Throughout her time in Congress, she’s been known for little else besides her constant ethics investigations. The reason she’s come into the limelight at all over the last months is that of her cartoonish attacks on President Trump. Waters literally says she “will fight every day until [Trump] is impeached” (The Washington Examiner)

When we captioned this blog “the worst of a bad lot” we had Maxine Waters in mind. Even the most corrupt long-tenured pols –she’s been in congress for 28 years + 14 years in the State Assembly— have done something that could be considered good for the country. At her own website, we found that she has labored diligently against mandatory sentencing laws. Well, the rapists, muggers, and repeat crooks liked that one. 
The former football player, Jim Brown, praised her as a “Mother Theresa of Watts” for these efforts. Remember how she defended the Watts rioters, looters, and arsonists when she remarked on national television: "Riot is the voice of the unheard." National Review said she was trying to shift the blame for the riots from the rioters to everybody and everything else and in the process was giving tacit permission to riot again. Waters ferociously attacked the U.S. Government as being responsible for "the economic, social, cultural and political factors” that caused the L.A. riots of 1992. She expressed sympathy for gangs and rioters involved and what she still calls a revolution. She disagreed with LA Mayor Tom Bradley's characterization of the 1992 rioters as "hoodlums and thugs."

She did join a coalition in 1994 against violent and sexually explicit song lyrics and came out against so-called "gangsta rap" –that was a good thing. But wait, she did not blame the actual rappers for the filthy, hateful and sometimes murderous obscenities and vulgarities. No, she pointed the finger of blame at industry executives for not exercising more control over their recording artists and said it was "…foolhardy to single out rap artists as instigators of violence among young people." We tried. (We don’t think the execs are blameless, either.)

Born in 1938, Waters was one of thirteen children living in a St. Louis housing project where her mother struggled to raise her children; no father is mentioned. After graduating from high school, she married and had two children. In 1960 the family moved to Los Angeles, where Waters worked at a few menial jobs before getting involved in the Head Start program in Watts. In the late 1980s she entered California State University to study sociology. By the time she earned her degree, she was divorced and raising her children alone. Water's background is frequently cited to explain why she fights so passionately for affirmative action programs. She had no successful experience in the free market economy having grown up on welfare, gone to school on affirmative action programs and then getting involved in mostly race-based politics.

She is currently married to Sidney Williams, a former football player and automobile salesman, who she got President Clinton to name Ambassador to the Bahamas. Her husband is a stockholder and former director of OneUnited Bank and the bank's executives were major contributors to her campaigns. In September 2008, she arranged meetings between U.S. Treasury officials and OneUnited Bank, to arrange for the bank to get federal cash. It had been heavily invested in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and its capital was "all but wiped out" after FedGov took them over. The bank got $12 million in TARP money because of her intervention. 

Maxine Waters got her start in politics as the chief deputy to Los Angeles city councilman David Cunningham. She was actively involved in the campaigns of Senator Alan Cranston and Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley. She entered the California State Assembly in 1976. Republican Cathie Wright who served with Waters for fourteen years on the California Assembly, discussed Maxine Waters' accusations of racism: “The problem I have with her are her accusations that we were racists, but she wasn't. She always assumed that everything you said was because you were white and she was black...Whenever Republicans disagreed with her, she said we took the position because we were racists.”

In the 1980s she wrote the Forward in a book charging that a “secret team” of military and CIA officers had launched the cocaine trade and created the Medellin cartel.  She vigorously promoted the book and when it was proved bogus she never apologized or expressed any regret. 
Waters was instrumental in the formation of the National Political Congress of Black Women in 1984. In 1996, she was elected to chair the Congressional Black Caucus. She called for an investigation of the CIA for being involved in a plan to distribute drugs to African Americans in Los Angeles in the early 1980s. That, plus her propensity to play the race card reflected poorly on her and the Democratic Party’s ability at that time to wield real influence in Washington. After being named co-chairman of Clinton's national campaign, she called President George H. W. Bush a "racist" in a speech at the National Press Club. She found nothing wrong with President Clinton’s taking advantage of the intern and then lying about it under oath.

A fan of Castro and especially of Che Guevara, Waters visited Cuba often to see her friend, domestic terrorist Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur plus over 20 other aliases according to the FBI). In 1977, Chesimard was found guilty of first-degree murder of a police officer she shot execution style, among several other convictions including armed robbery. She was sentenced to life in prison 1977 and then in November 1979, Chesimard escaped and lived underground before being located in Cuba in 1984. Rep.Waters has used her position to oppose extradition going so far as to write Castro that Shakur (she’s an aunt of a rapper of that name) was fleeing “political persecution.” The FBI has a $1,000,000 reward for her capture.

In 1999, Waters led a delegation of six Congressional Black Caucus members on a fact-finding mission to take a leading role in introducing legislation to change current U.S. policies toward Cuba. She advanced no advocacy for the many black political prisoners in Castro’s jails. The next year, when Castro visited Harlem’s Riverside Church, Waters joined a throng of American leftists yelling “Viva Fidel!” Castro said he knew would “find my best friends” on that visit.

In May 2008, Waters told Shell Oil President John Hofmeister at the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing that if he did not “guarantee” reduced gasoline prices in exchange for Congress “allowing” the oil industry to drill where it wished, she would favor nationalizing American petroleum companies. She stated: "Guess what this liberal will be all about, this liberal will be all about socializing... taking over and the government running all of your companies." Rep. Waters clearly favors statism as she understands it, and this is just one example.
Among her other distinctions, Citizens Against Government Waste named her the June 2009 Porker of the Month due to her intention to obtain an earmark for the Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center. Her non-partisan National Taxpayers Union score is the lowest possible, as one would expect.

She opposed the Iraq War saying that the money could be used for affirmative action programs. She supported Jesse Jackson’s campaigns for president. It goes on… With Maxine Waters, it is all about race, welfare and socialism; nothing about the economy, freedom or opportunity.

Without term limits, there is little chance to replace the entrenched incumbent no matter how bigoted, anti-American, pro-socialist and corrupt because of the advantages of office including the big bucks from special interests that benefit from her votes.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Illustration by Mort Kuff

Adam Bennett Schiff served one term in the California State legislature and is now in his 9th term in the U.S. Congress currently representing California's 28th congressional district. He’s the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee. He’s busy trying to defend the Democrats purchase and use of the dirty Steele Dossier and its use by Hillary campaign to slander her opponent and to unmask Trump campaign staff before the FISA Court.

An amusing side issue is Schiff’s attempt to get nude pictures of President Trump to embarrass and discredit him –exactly what the Hillary campaign was doing with the fake salacious Steele Dossier.  So, Schiff gets a call that he thinks is from Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament claiming to have compromising information on President Donald Trump, including pictures 

and  recordings.  Except it was a prank phone call from two Russian comedians known as Vadum and Lexus claiming to have recordings that would reveal Russian President Vladimir Putin was blackmailing Trump with photographs of him and a model named Olga Buzova in a compromising position. Listen to the conversation here.  

Trey Gowdy, the Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and a member of the Intelligence Committee has called out Rep. Schiff for his many misrepresentations and outright lies –a quick Google search documents his history of being untruthful.  

Trey Gowdy Destroys Adam Schiff For Lying      Roger Stone lists Schiff’s many lies      

I could fill several pages with links to Rep. Schiff’s lies –they’re well established for years. But I want you to listen to one more link for the seriousness of all of this for the future of our Republic. Here’s an interesting interview on the current subject that our poster boy lies about: Rep. Nunes by Maria Bartiromo  and this one you’ll find interesting and informative:

Rep. Schiff is, indeed, one of the “worst of a bad lot.” Term limit proponents call our poster boy absolute proof for the necessity to term limit the U.S. Congress before they bring the nation to the point of no return. 

 OK, if Schiff were to have been term-limited out of congress, no doubt he’d still be lying in public on the Democrat media. But he wouldn’t be continuing to vote like this:

    The non-partisan National Taxpayers Union shows how he has voted to grow the national debt and unfunded liabilities that will strap our children and grandchildren and limit their freedom to succeed and prosper. NTU grades Schiff with a failing F and places him in Big Spender category.

   Another reliable rating service, Citizens Against Government Waste, is nonpartisan, nonprofit and dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.  CCAGW rates members on a 0-100 percent scale. It rates at Schiff 5% and the designation Hostile to Taxpayers.

   The Club for Growth rates on votes affecting the economy. It rewards free-market champions and exposes big-government, tax-and-spend politicians. Schiff gets a lifetime score of 8% indicating that he votes 92% of the time to raise taxes, increase harmful regulations, and grow our already massive government.

   As expected, the Conservative Review scores him at a lowly 12% and the liberal Americans for Democratic Action calls Schiff their ADA Hero.