Thursday, May 31, 2018

Illustration by Mort Kuff

Adam Bennett Schiff served one term in the California State legislature and is now in his 9th term in the U.S. Congress currently representing California's 28th congressional district. He’s the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee. He’s busy trying to defend the Democrats purchase and use of the dirty Steele Dossier and its use by Hillary campaign to slander her opponent and to unmask Trump campaign staff before the FISA Court.

An amusing side issue is Schiff’s attempt to get nude pictures of President Trump to embarrass and discredit him –exactly what the Hillary campaign was doing with the fake salacious Steele Dossier.  So, Schiff gets a call that he thinks is from Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament claiming to have compromising information on President Donald Trump, including pictures 

and  recordings.  Except it was a prank phone call from two Russian comedians known as Vadum and Lexus claiming to have recordings that would reveal Russian President Vladimir Putin was blackmailing Trump with photographs of him and a model named Olga Buzova in a compromising position. Listen to the conversation here.  

Trey Gowdy, the Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and a member of the Intelligence Committee has called out Rep. Schiff for his many misrepresentations and outright lies –a quick Google search documents his history of being untruthful.  

Trey Gowdy Destroys Adam Schiff For Lying      Roger Stone lists Schiff’s many lies      

I could fill several pages with links to Rep. Schiff’s lies –they’re well established for years. But I want you to listen to one more link for the seriousness of all of this for the future of our Republic. Here’s an interesting interview on the current subject that our poster boy lies about: Rep. Nunes by Maria Bartiromo  and this one you’ll find interesting and informative:

Rep. Schiff is, indeed, one of the “worst of a bad lot.” Term limit proponents call our poster boy absolute proof for the necessity to term limit the U.S. Congress before they bring the nation to the point of no return. 

 OK, if Schiff were to have been term-limited out of congress, no doubt he’d still be lying in public on the Democrat media. But he wouldn’t be continuing to vote like this:

    The non-partisan National Taxpayers Union shows how he has voted to grow the national debt and unfunded liabilities that will strap our children and grandchildren and limit their freedom to succeed and prosper. NTU grades Schiff with a failing F and places him in Big Spender category.

   Another reliable rating service, Citizens Against Government Waste, is nonpartisan, nonprofit and dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.  CCAGW rates members on a 0-100 percent scale. It rates at Schiff 5% and the designation Hostile to Taxpayers.

   The Club for Growth rates on votes affecting the economy. It rewards free-market champions and exposes big-government, tax-and-spend politicians. Schiff gets a lifetime score of 8% indicating that he votes 92% of the time to raise taxes, increase harmful regulations, and grow our already massive government.

   As expected, the Conservative Review scores him at a lowly 12% and the liberal Americans for Democratic Action calls Schiff their ADA Hero.