Career politicians will say what they think you want to
hear, join a cause that they think will appeal to the most voters; and they'll spend your money on whatever
they think will buy them the most votes. It might impoverish future generations but again, so what?
They'll be gone by then. The theme throughout is hypocrisy.
During a recent five hour hearing on a House Republicans’ lawsuit against President Obama, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY 28) launched into a tirade reported in the Wall Street Journal by Kim Strassel. Strassel decried its disingenuousness and utter hypocrisy. The suit targets Obama’s unilaterally changing core provisions of the so-called Affordable Care Act a/k/a Obamacare. Slaughter called the law suit a “political stunt...timed to peak as the midterm elections are happening.” She said the Republicans, half of the House, are running to the judicial branch and that a lawsuit against the president is “certainly not the correct way to resolve [a] political dispute.” A lawsuit against the president, she declared is “preposterous.”
This recent hypocritical display is quite common among the professional politicians who have been in congress a long time. Rep. Slaughter is the oldest woman in congress and has been in there since 1986! And prior to that she was in the New York legislature since 1975 with an interim stint with the
Governor Cuomo administration. Lifetime politician.
Her voting record is one of tax & spend. Our favorite scorecard is the one by conservative Heritage Action because it covers more of the important bills and can be referenced simply by going here. Liberals/progressives can easily score the politician from their view by using the rating percentage in reverse. AT 8% on this scoring you know she’s right up there as a major cause of the nation’s $18 trillion debt. With a rating of 8% she’s a major cause of the nation’s $18 trillion debt. No matter what it was for or how much it cost, if the money was there or not, she voted for spending –for 28 years!
Wikipedia notes: Slaughter is one of the most liberal and progressive members of the New York congressional delegation from upstate New York, and in the 110th Congress, was the most progressive member of the entire House of Representatives according to the National Journal. Among representatives from upstate, only fellow Democratic Representative Maurice Hinchey has a lower lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union. She is one of several Democratic congressmen and senators who post at Daily Kos, a Democrat-oriented blog. She is also a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
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